7174.eth pfp



26 Following

Chainleft pfp
Forensic investigation made by UK research group reveals that 6-year-old Hind Rajab's car was shot with 355 bullets by Israeli military, AFTER knowing about the child in the car. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/forensic-architecture-probe-says-israeli-tank-fire-likely-killed-palestinian-child-hind-rajab
7 replies
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13 reactions

7174.eth pfp
my family
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7174.eth pfp
youre not missing anything Base is a single sequencer L2, Coinbase runs said sequencer.
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Roberto Bayardo 🎩 pfp
Roberto Bayardo 🎩
Regarding Base transaction fees: they are high because the chain is at its target capacity (2x the throughput of the L1), but demand has increased dramatically. Data fees remain insignificant thanks to EIP-4844 blobs which are still far from capacity! So while "it could be worse..." what can make it better? (cont)
16 replies
26 recasts
142 reactions

Fiat pfp
@sassal.eth Eric is trying to increase the gaslimit but I am struggling with my home staking setup since dencun. Nethermind told me on discord they see a lot of other home stakers having the same issues. I dont think Eric is on FC but maybe you can caution him. Please wait with increase till issues fixed.
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10 reactions

7174.eth pfp
agree with this
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7174.eth pfp
I subscribe to "artist intention", sure art can be interpreted by the viewer, but the ground truth to me is the artist's intention. The unavailability or obfuscation of this ground truth is immaterial, as is each individual's interpretation of the surface form.
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Ben Basche pfp
Ben Basche
From the river to the sea https://x.com/decampdave/status/1760771887968260423?s=46
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7174.eth pfp
rolls off the tongue
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7174.eth pfp
its complex bc, as a human, being an outlaw has clearly mentally taken a toll on him and he has reached out for support wherever he can, including right wing chuds. Having said that, he is definitely a political prisoner of the American military-industrial complex and his extradition is bad for whistleblowing.
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7174.eth pfp
can't come fast enough
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7174.eth pfp
i see a pine tree
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Chainleft pfp
Join us today to discuss different shades of onchain art. The Google calendar invite has links to the places where it'll be streamed. Make sure to add it to your calendar to get the reminders. 11:30pm CET 5:30pm EST 2:30pm PST https://bit.ly/3OJ2rWN
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aaalex.eth 🎩 pfp
aaalex.eth 🎩
ENS friends & investooors Here's a Frame which pulls in your ENS listings from all marketplaces, and displays a random one. Click "Next" to shift through the listing. Try it out: https://onframe.vercel.app/ens/0xA9d508815D1216914706c03C566DC20dD972B383 Change the URL to use your wallet address :)
4 replies
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11 reactions

7174.eth pfp
highly recommend
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1 reaction

dusan pfp
hi, don't follow, don't like, don't recast. have a break from minting. have a wordle in a frame. have a framedl. https://framedl.vercel.app/
91 replies
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120 reactions

Tomu pfp
testing a new frame https://glass.cx/nasa-pic
18 replies
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138 reactions

doug pfp
Happy Friday! I made a frame: It's the OBLIQUE STRATEGIES, as created by Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt in 1975. Browse their wisdom & mint on @base for later inspiration. "Over 100 cards, each of which is a suggestion of a course of action or thinking to assist in creative situations" https://oblique-frames.vercel.app
35 replies
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81 reactions

7174.eth pfp
can't seem to claim
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Introducing Bag — a wallet that lives inside the frame. Every bag is a unique wallet on @base that is controlled via Farcaster frames. Claim your bag along with the commemorative NFT below 👇 More stuff to do with your bag coming soon :) https://bag-frame-claim.vercel.app
453 replies
315 recasts
415 reactions