Timur Badretdinov pfp

Timur Badretdinov


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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Pro Tip: If you want to track when a GH issue is resolved, but don't want to drown in notifications, a good way to do this is to press "customize" next to the "Notifications" label.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
on coding llms
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
I think command palette is a vastly underexplored UI pattern in crypto. Such a data-dense, navigation-rich environment yearns for a keyboard-first experience. @rainbow made some great things with it, but that's pretty much it (am I missing someone?) Started some work around it already, and will be doubling down.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Added a command palette for quick navigation. Two actions that I use all the time are "switch chain" and "go to address by ENS". I want Scope to be a keyboard-first app.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Random Pro Tip: set the "gap" preference in the Window Management extension to enable a nice spacing around the edges.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Interesting design pattern I haven't seen anywhere: a launch checklist built-in on @family ConnectKit docs page
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Been working on this for the last week or so. More to come soon!
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Introducing "OpScan" — an open-source multichain UserOp search. Live on 10 networks, with more to come. https://op.scope.sh
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
I'm honestly not sure why people make landing pages like that. Was interested to learn more, clicked through a few pages, but no clear explanation of what am I looking at. Docs lack any intro. Adding a short blurb would convert much better.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
if apple steps up their AI game it's gg for wearable startups imagine apple watch + airpods recording all your convos and activities, and keeping transcripts and summaries all stored on device forever with a slick ui, at no additional cost
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
ngl @mikedemarais.eth leaks more dev alpha on gh than most devs out there
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Some good points on passkeys here: https://fy.blackhats.net.au/blog/2024-04-26-passkeys-a-shattered-dream/ I think in general passkeys are a big paradigm shift, and some implementation details (e.g. vendor lock-in) might potentially lead to big surprises for end users
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
In the context of AA, two main benefits are usually brought up: batching and gas sponsorship. Those are very powerful, but I think there's another important benefit that's often overlooked: access control.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
We really need a standardized way to publish contract deployments. Something like dpack could be a nice starting point: https://github.com/dapphub/dpack
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Roam (https://roam.xyz) is an interesting concept. It's like as if @interface and @rainbow had a baby. A bit clunky, but feels like a good step towards being social-first.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Adding support for the Zerodev Kernel V3 which is just released. Lots of things to unpack, but think I can cover the essentials this week.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
One thing that always bothered me with block explorers is how the contract page is always static. Contracts are dynamic, having the same layout doesn't make sense. Here's a Scope page for a Uniswap V3 pool. You can see the basic info at a glance.
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Crazy how EntryPoint 0.7.0 was deployed almost 2 months ago, but @pimlico is still the only bundler sending UserOps on Ethereum, Optimism, Base, and probably some other chains as well. Also they sent over 800 bundles on Base already, impressive!
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Introducing Kernel V2 modules dashboard. Continuing on my AA modules analytics efforts, sharing the dashboard I created to track Kernel V2 account activity. Some highlights below https://dune.com/Destiner/kernel-v2-modules
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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
https://github.com/zerodevapp/kernel-7579-plugins 👀
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