Jack Miller pfp

Jack Miller


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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Crypto doesn't give you legal rights, it gives you magic powers on the internet
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
"Cite Griffin and Shams one more time mother fucker"
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
When I was younger I thought everybody slogs through their day job and works on what *really* interests them on nights and weekends. That's what every ambitious person I knew did and I did too. As I am older, and fortunate enough to work on what I am passionate about, I think it would have been possible to take more time and maybe less money or other concessions to find a job that inspired my best work. Tradeoffs to each approach. I'd have spent fewer raw hours leveling up technical skills but a larger percentage of the time would have been on more inspired work. There were times when a passion project absolutely nerd-sniped me and I'd go through the workday not even really listening, just daydreaming on some problem I was stuck on. One time I stayed up all night working on a project and I fainted at the office the next day. 1/2
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
My friends are mad I muted the groupchat but I have notifications on for Milady twitter
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Has the idea of “any new experiments will just be adopted by [bigger chain]” played out anywhere? Seems like you need to be on the bleeding edge or mindshare goes elsewhere
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Coffee is the lifeblood of capitalism
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
If you know you know
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
I sometimes think about how allegedly Three Arrows Capital paid back it’s DeFi loans before it paid back the mafia or other legally obligated loan parties… Callous, uncaring DeFi protocols came before the law and “men with guns” …
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Been busy with life and work and haven’t hooped in a while I forgot how much playing ball is my happy place
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Riot Fest 2024 lineup, Sept 20-24 in Bridgeview
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
What local communities are vibrant in your area? Around me churches have faded, youth sports becoming smaller and fragmented (traveled leagues etc). Boy Scouts got cancelled (Indian Scouts too lol)… Those were the biggest ones
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Huge if true
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
A debate on Prohibition is held on Chicago radio station WJAZ March 8, 1924 Clarence Darrow for the “wets” vs John Langley of the Anti-Saloon League Listeners were invited to send telegrams voting “yes” or “no” on the booze ban
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Taught the kid how to use a piggy bank and now he walks around the house crying "I want moneyyyyy"
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Did you know they put the ETH logo on the South Pole
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Haymarket Memorial at Desplaines and Randolph Interesting fight over statues commemorating this “affair” and whether to honor the police or the protesters For decades there was only a statue honoring the police and it was damaged so often over the decades they eventually moved it to police HQ in 2007 This one dedicated in 2011 is explicitly for the protestors
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Basic algorithm that’s been working for me 1) Set goals once a quarter 2) Each goal has a) priority b) specific action (e.g. exercise and weight/time/etc) c) target (end result) 3) Progressively work towards goal 4) Track in spreadsheet Pretty simple but provides a lot of clarity and reassurance
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Friends: seen any good movies lately? Me: I’ve watched Finding Nemo every day for 30 days
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
“If Prohibition ends, Chicago architect wants to build a new style of saloon, more of a light, open gathering spot.” Chicago Tribune, 1933
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Jack Miller pfp
Jack Miller
Lazy Saturday vibes
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