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phil pfp
I’ve lived in LA for the last 7 years. My lease is up soon and I’m considering trying somewhere new. I value natural beauty, access to international flights, and a strong sense of local identity. Shill me on where you think I should move (and why!) — anywhere is fair game.
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Zinger ↑ pfp
Zinger ↑
NYC (yes, we have natural beauty here), CDMX, Lisbon, Madrid (or Sevilla but less flights I think)
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phil pfp
Lisbon sounds amazing. How is it for Americans?
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Mark Fishman pfp
Mark Fishman
Wait tell me where to find the natural beauty here 🤠
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SydneyJason pfp
Love all of those cities and Sevilla is one of my favorite in the world. But the summer is *very* hot…
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