if I wanted to hire someone to help me write a resume to reflect my experience in crypto, who (or what) should I seek out? feeling like a trad resume writer would botch it by focusing on my experience as a solopreneur in ecommerce, rather than the 60+ hours of weekly involvement in the space since mid 2020, any ideas?
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Karthik Senthil
We are trying to solve this with Chainstory (https://www.chainstory.xyz ). Still in beta, but would love to see what you think!
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this is genius & might actually be the perfect solution in my case, considering the role is for consumer facing protocols. will let you know how it goes, thank you so much Karthik!
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Karthik Senthil
Looking fwd to ur feedback! We are close to releasing a new version (hopefully next wk!)
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