if I wanted to hire someone to help me write a resume to reflect my experience in crypto, who (or what) should I seek out? feeling like a trad resume writer would botch it by focusing on my experience as a solopreneur in ecommerce, rather than the 60+ hours of weekly involvement in the space since mid 2020, any ideas?
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What I really need is a paradigm shift in how I view resumes. being a solopreneur for a decade is at the root of why I'm overthinking it. Trying to shift that perspective by finding a way to unlearn whatever wrong ideas I've picked up over the years about what a resume is supposed to look like.
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Karthik Senthil
Btw just added some more defi rules to chainstory last night. Check it out! Also, have u lent/borrowed and/or done derivatives (eg synthetix) on defi? Wanted to do some testing!
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Karthik Senthil
We are trying to solve this with Chainstory (https://www.chainstory.xyz ). Still in beta, but would love to see what you think!
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