Wolfbrain pfp



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Wolfbrain pfp
What if long time players reduce their share of the eth rewards, but instead gets other benefits. For example that you will be able to sell your resources to other players for $fire. Or rent out your villagers.
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Wolfbrain pfp
With 5000 players and 1 of 10 win in their group means that 500 players win and get $1 extra that week if volume $100k. Imo, it might increase the focus on reward and introduce the posibillity that players/winners are let down since the reward is not «good enough». On the other hand, being able to compete with your neighbours make the game more fun, so if it is done in a way that do not focus on reward directly I think it is good. If winners get a increase in score and a way to climb the leaderboard faster, maybe that is enough. Players that do well will get more rewards by getting higher score faster without making the reward system more complex.
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Wolfbrain pfp
I got 3 invites. Let me know if you want to try.
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Wolfbrain pfp
For a new player, lets say a score of 100. If the player wins a week and the volume is $100k. How much approximately would the player get extra for being a winner that week? In think your way of thinking is good, getting incentives right and keep on building to make the game even more fun. However, the moment a game introduces rewards, it kind of makes it twice as hard to get people think the game is fun unless they make money. That is why I think it is smart also to not have to much focus on the ETH rewards, but try to find alternative rewards. Unfortunately I don’t have any other ideas now. You already have a leaderboard which kind of is a social reward. Maybe introduce some levels your village can reach, upgrading your items and so on. You have probably already thought about such things and I understand that it takes time to develop :)
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Wolfbrain pfp
In the long term it is risky to focus on rewards. If rewards is the only reason players play and those rewards comes from players then it is really not sustainable unless for gambling type of fun where you accept to lose money for the chance of maybe winning alot. With skill based rewards as you present it I think you will only attract a few players. In this case 1 of 10 will benefit and probably not that many will put in any extra effort to get the small reward increase. These are my initial thoughts and I might be totally wrong of course. Another idea, also reward based, is to take the 0.5% of volume and raffle it to one or more of the players that have been active that whole week. Use the score to determine each players probabillity to win, higher score means higher probability. Then every player has a chance to win something significant. Even new players will have a chance, but their probabillity would be lower than someone with a higher score. It also incentivizes you to keep on getting a higher score.
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Wolfbrain pfp
I’m empty. Maybe I get more tomorrow.
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Wolfbrain pfp
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Wolfbrain pfp
Each time you stoke your existing villagers eat 1 food each. If you have room for more villagers they will come if you have enough food after your existing have aten their share. You need two food per new villagers left over. So if you have 5 villagers, but two huts. Then you need 5 food for your existing villagers and 10 food to get 5 new villagers, in total you would need 15 food when you stoke. The new villagers don’t eat the food, you just need to have it for them to come
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Wolfbrain pfp
Invite sent. You are ready to start your village 🔥
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Wolfbrain pfp
Invite sent 👍🏻
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Wolfbrain pfp
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Wolfbrain pfp
Got 3 invites to /stokefire on Base. Already available on App Store and Google Play! Invites are limited, only 857 this week. Let me know if you want an invite. Mission: Grow your village to climb the leaderboard. Collect wood to build huts. Each hut house 5 villagers. Build lumber camps to automate wood collection. Stoke your fire to keep your village alive. If you wait longer than 72 hours since last stoke your village dies (Village NFT burned) and you must start from ground again. You pay/burn ~1$ worth of $fire to stoke. So $fire is deflationary. Collect food to keep villagers alive. Each time you stoke your villagers eats 1 food. Some percent of $fire Uniswap volume is distributed to the players determined by their share of the leaderboard score. Currently $200k distributed and 2400 active villages. Current MC $1.8M and supply 9.7M $fire. A simple game made by one dev @nbragg Steady growth. More stats here: dune.com/stoke_fire/das…
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Wolfbrain pfp
Ok, then that is why, it fits what I saw. Thanks!
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Wolfbrain pfp
@nbragg my last stoke I expected 80 villagers since I had enough food and huts, but only got 72. Could be a bug, or maybe just me that haven’t understood all rules yet.
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