any known wallet hacks going around? a friend's hot wallet just got drained a few hours ago
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Winston Laoh
I can investigate if you want me to. Was it definitely a private key compromise or is there a possibility of a smart contract vulnerability being exploited?
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You are welcome to investigate my loss.
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Winston Laoh
Ah man, yeah I took a quick look at yours. I saw your cast too. Seems like a pretty standard phishing attack. Sorry for the loss. Agreed that X is definitely overflowing with these fake airdrop phishing scams.
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It feels comforting hearing someone say “sorry” to me. Thank you for emphasizing with me. Do you think that there is any way to get my lost Matic back?
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Winston Laoh
Yeah I know you probably felt really dumb when it happened, but honestly phishing attacks happen to the best of us. Phishing attacks wouldn't happen if they didn't work. I followed the chain a bit, and I know some of your funds ended up here: 0xb8f275fBf7A959F4BCE59999A2EF122A099e81A8...
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Winston Laoh
Typically if assets eventually land on some CEX, you can reach out to them about it, but barring that messaging the owners and hoping they'll reconsider is the other option. I do know there are some of those out there who will try to whitehat hack hackers, but it's a pretty intensive costly process.
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