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i think what draws me to farcaster is the ~culture rather than the ~content. Not sure if that matters, but it feels distinct from what the merkle team talks about focusing on all the time (e.g. driving more high quality content). Maybe they are one and the same at the end of the day i'm not sure
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Liang @ 🎩
how is culture manifested in addition to "content with good vibes" ?
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yeah, aligned with what @zinger and i were talking about after you left yesterday afternoon...something something "social network" vs "social media"? network being culture, media being content. i wonder if this scales though. said differently, is the end state of social networking social media?
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zoo (hb arc)
same vibe. a culture is more than the sum of its artifacts
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this is a good and concise way to put it
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It’s a social network. Not social media - something I’ve been realizing more and more.
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