Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Fascinating take on why public intellectuals have short shelf lives:
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
This is a big part of why I intentionally try to keep "doing foot-soldier things" (notably, coding, and exploring the world regular-person-style rather than entourage-and-limousine-style)
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Gum🎩🖼️ pfp
I have two opinions 1) Attention is truly the one thing humans crave. But once you get too much of it the expectations fly through the roof. IMHO, this also has a big effect on public figures overall 2) I think with everything, as we grow more experienced and feel like we peaked. We are not willing to learn more.
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nicholas pfp
reminds me of singer songwriters experiencing success and losing touch with relatable problems. hip hop bravado and bragging scales better
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sartocrates 🐹 pfp
sartocrates 🐹
@mleejr get rekt
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meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3 pfp
meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3
Aw man, the end is near for me 😂😂😂
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Hafftka pfp
A little scary but always trying to be creative!
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mleejr🎩 pfp
slow down with the casts v pls don’t do this to us
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doy pfp
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Miss Angel 🎩🐹 pfp
Miss Angel 🎩🐹
ok i need more info about this . can you please explain it in 3 more casts?🤔
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BrixBountyFarm 🎩 pfp
BrixBountyFarm 🎩
This was an interesting read, and had a sentiment that I think is well placed. It is to some degree at odds, with my experience within the agricultural industry, where some of our leading minds continued to create new insights into their advanced age. Historically or more recently. I think in some part because...
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
That’s interesting. You should make 2 or 3 more posts on this topic
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Alditrus pfp
Good read. I think their theory of brain cell loss is plausible, but I feel like there's more to it than that. Each brain is different in it's capabilities and engaging in certain activities can preserve that creative/fluid thinking (meditation, art, learning new things, etc). >>
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dialethia 🍖🎩 pfp
dialethia 🍖🎩
For me Carl Sagan is an example of a public intellectual who has a very long shelf life in some very important ways and then sadly far too short in others.
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Rico IS Here 🦊 🎩 pfp
Rico IS Here 🦊 🎩
Definitely worth recasting
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Statuette pfp
Agreed, becoming mainstream can stifle innovation but I don’t think the solution is to resign ourselves to a 'natural cycle' of decline. Also disagree with the 'peak age' notion. I think being open and fostering a growth mindset is the key and with longevity science advancing, our brain's potential is far from fixed.
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