Alditrus pfp



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Alditrus pfp
Has it ever occurred to anyone that humans were never meant to get this far? We were supposed to remain hunter gatherers. Instead, we figured out how to farm, write, build massive civilizations, harness the lightning of the Gods, build weapons of mass destruction, and conjure thinking machines. We were never even meant to leave our own planet. Yet we did! These insane, hairless, dirt gremlins are now trying to construct decentralized economies and governments that can traverse the vastness of space. They are a rapidly spreading virus, reaching their diseased tendrils towards the stars. There are no alien space invaders out there; WE are the space invaders. And soon, nothing will be safe...
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Alditrus pfp
On one hand, seeing SEC finally approve an ETH ETF feels amazing and is a serious win. On the other hand, it's comforting to know that the ETF hasn't changed ETHs price much. It means that the network doesn't care about ETFs, as it should.
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Alditrus pfp
Just gonna leave this here:
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Alditrus pfp
Last Biden meme, I swear
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Alditrus pfp
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Alditrus pfp
🤯 oh wow Didn't think he would actually do it!
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Alditrus pfp
Decided to spice up my pfp with the help of Dalle. Really like how this turned out!
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Alditrus pfp
Description: Looking to set up a Zoom meeting with someone (preferably someone who works in the DAO space) to get feedback on some concept sketches for a UX project of mine. Amount: 100 $DEGEN Deadline 07/24/24 @bountybot
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Alditrus pfp
hihi! i got my Ⓜ️oxiedrop allocation...did you get yours? cc @betashop.eth @airstack.eth
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Alditrus pfp
Aldi-chan pwomises to finish all her pwojects*, just wike she finishes all the crypto in her wawwet uwu Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
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Alditrus pfp
I work a customer service job and getting a lot of customers today who got slammed by hurricane Beryl. If any of you live in Texas, hope you're doing okay. Stay safe fam 🙏
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Alditrus pfp
Sparked an interesting conversation when getting feedback for my DAO UX project. Mobile contribution and reputational data seems to be a so far unfulfilled user need for DAO contributors. Do want to try solving for this in my next project, possibly formulate an interface for a hypothetical soulbound NFT.
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Alditrus pfp
After the Trump assassination attempt and realizing the rapid decline of my country, I am more determined than ever to get DAOs working properly. In my eyes, the US is inevitably heading towards collapse, and we need to be ready to transition to a new system as smoothly as humanly possible.
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Alditrus pfp
Designing a DAO platform as an alternative to Discord. One of the big users issues I'm trying to solve for is organizing all DAOs the user participates in. So far I've come up with 4 solutions: 1. Creating/naming folders 2. Tags 3. Most used vs favorites vs all 4. Alphabetical Thoughts?
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Alditrus pfp
Currently designing a DAO platform as an alternative to Discord. During my UX research, the one pain point users frequently experienced was the lack of organization on Discord for notifications and channels. Struggling to come up with a way to improve this organization short of groups/folders for multiple DAOs. How would you improve channel/DAO organization on Discord if given the chance to redesign it?
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Alditrus pfp
Staying with my folks for the weekend, so decided to go touch some grass. 🌿
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Alditrus pfp
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Alditrus pfp
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Alditrus pfp
Man, this article hit it on the friggin nose. It encapsulates PERFECTLY how I've felt about UX and branding in the web3 space for so long: No one cares about what's under the hood; they care if the car is fun to drive. Def gonna do a writeup on this.
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Alditrus pfp
Interesting conversation. What I wonder is, if AGI becomes a thing, what's the probability humanity will try to snuff it out a la butlerian jihad? Cuz once AI gets to that level, we either become it's pets or it's lunch. In that situation, stuff like blockchain could go back in fashion as it'd be considered a 'human' technology. This is all purely speculation of course, and by the look of things, AGI is likely several chess moves ahead of us. Still, anything could happen.
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