Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp

Nerd-E 🎩🔮


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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
The one thing I miss about CT is fooo and his crazy assortment of alts.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Dementors in harry potter would be so easy to be. Just send in the ginger wizards, bam, done.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Taking a week off work for father’s day, to camp with the fam. People are gonna be pissed when I get back.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
What does one even do with leftover frozen breast milk, btw? Sell it to vegans for cruelty free ice cream or…?
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
But what if the change in resolution makes it less obvious how handsome my midwit pfp is 😆?
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Imagine having the fortitude to spend your whole career building up to a moon mission, being assigned to remain in the command module, and following through without complaint. These people are kings: Michael Collins Richard Gordon Stuart Roosa Alfred Worden Thomas Mattingly Ronald Evans
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
I just picked $BLEU. That said, I’m on a cold streak lately.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
What’s the biggest screwup you have ever witnessed IRL? I once helped arrest teenagers for weed… because they crashed into the cop car I was passenger in! 😂 The officer knew them, too.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Isn’t it weird that there are a handful of people that are completely unintelligible when they speak; nomatter how many times they repeat themselves you can’t hear/understand a word they say. But others can somehow understand wtf they’re saying. So eventually you both just sorta nod at each other instead of even attempting to talk whenever you see each other…?
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Every time Vitalik is an option, I get turbo rekt. Maybe I should sit tomorrow out 😆
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
More unpopular ’pinions: Skirting labor laws and interstate regulations is the “innovation” introduced by an entire class of tech stocks and I can’t wait for them to hit 0.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Can we stop pretending that it’s the free market that drives innovation, when in nearly every case it’s publicly funded research that gets everything to the 1 yard line? Crypto may be the only exception…
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
‘S cool we can all curl up with our power badges every night.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
(Annual conference where all American health insurers meet) “Gentlemen, we are in the problem solving industry! The problem we must solve together: how to make it virtually impossible to recieve actual healthcare through us, while simultaneously making it somehow even harder to see a doctor without us.”
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Memes we need: Left curve wearing a mask of right curve Left curve wearing a midcurve mask Left curve wearing a left curve mask
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Owwww my neck hurts. Beat up my teenagers though.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
I put a formative experience of mine on the blockchain a long time ago. Now there’s a channel to share it. Caution though it’s about 10,000 words. Can be read without minting of course.
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Nerd-E 🎩🔮  pfp
Nerd-E 🎩🔮
Beware of hyperlogical decision making. Only a portion of our brain uses logic, and ignoring feelings/instinct/gut is thinking with only a fraction of your intellect.
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