Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Bard seems to still make mistakes more often than chatgpt. A couple of pretty strange ones in this answer.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
ok wat
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
the quality is baffling, they’re fumbling the bag pretty hard imo
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Prosocialise Foundation 🎩 pfp
Prosocialise Foundation 🎩
Please read this pdf. It is phenomenal " it is not sufficient to understand the opportunities that exist for groups or individuals to actualize their needs. It is necessary to analyze to what extent the environment represses, tolerates or stimulates opportunities. "
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meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3 pfp
meta-david🎩 | Building Scoop3
Yeah, it’s almost like you need both. Bard more has more current data to tap into, but OpenAI’s data is more reliable.
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Katherine pfp
one friend of mine has observed that recently Bard has gotten much worse, right as sama says chatgpt has been fixed
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Mayank 🗯️ pfp
Mayank 🗯️
There have been numerous instances where Bard made blunders, particularly when it comes to dates and years.
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Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍 pfp
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍
The best thing about Bard is that it has access to Google's Knowledge Graph, so it's good at finding, connecting, and summarizing recent information, and pointing you directly at relevant blog posts or documentation. Bard's reasoning can get weird, but IMO it's better than ChatGPT for navigating cutting edge research.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
It makes simple mistakes, but Bard seems a bit better to prototype. Bard gives newer code some other LLMs, spew often old unoptimized implementations.
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🌶️ Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌶️ Zach Harris 🥀
You got a feed your learning model that fine vintage copywritten intellectual property and not pay the owners of the content for it… Snack on Grade A hallucinations, without any of that ethical baggage of paying the rights holders for it.
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Smoke 🎩🔵 pfp
Smoke 🎩🔵
69 $Degen
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tunsky.eth🔵🎩 pfp
Which llm is your fav to use?
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