Andrei O. pfp

Andrei O.


1097 Following

Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Don't forget that both mobile and web Warpcast client has support for Imgur links, so you can use that service if you really want to share an image.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
When trying to connect Farcaster with Launchcaster, I never get the QR. I did try different browsers, but none seem to work. Can you please verify there isn't a bug that prevents the QR from being displayed?
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
The Warpcast power badge looks exactly like the reputation one from Daily Dev. I guess the flash symbol is very common and under CC0 but still, I found it a bit of a strange coincidence.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Did you know that over ~22% from all casts ~740k made from 2024-04-02 - 2024-04-03 contained the word degen in them? Pretty crazy to me :|
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
I just got roasted. Click the frame to get your wallet roasted. A bit funny. Also, speculation on domains, crypto or not, is the ugly part of domains. The only difference is that in crypto, domain speculation is beyond any reasonable common sense.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
I would like to do a shoutout to another good creator that I enjoy: They had solid growth now at over 3.13M subscribers, and combining leftism with philosophy seems to have created a very desired and educative project.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
So someone wrote a query on Dune with disqualified degen users( The thing is, it's just a list. This is prime HYPE, with Dune allowing web2 API queries and junk queries like simple lists. Dune was initially made to only query chain data don't sell out, please.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Is anyone a fan of this podcast? I am curious. What other favorite creators do you have besides @tbsocialist? I think there are not many I didn't check out.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
@v Warpcast only supports m3u8 streams as videos. If another client uses a simple video format like mp4 it will be displayed correctly only on that client and on warpcast it will be displayed as a link. It would be great if warpcast supports at least mp4 format.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Running Postgres light as a WASM library in the browser & JS runtimes seems pretty dope... I used Sqlite as WASM to run in the browser almost one year ago, but I haven't tried this.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Minor UX bug on warpcast, if the frame in a cast composing modal has an aspect ratio of 1:1 and is large you can't select the channel anymore, as the search channel window does not expand the whole page view. The main view should be expanded to support all screen sizes using scroll. Screenshot:
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
I recently wrote a mirror article about wallets & Clear Wallet version 1.3.3. If you want to check it out, here is the link:
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
@v @v Frame server should know if the client is mobile or desktop. If that spec is added on desktop you can open a website, and on mobile, you can open a deep link. Furthermore, it allows for optimizing images served after the initial frame for each type of client making rendering quicker after the first frame.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Binance delisting privacy coins is a step back for privacy on chain and privacy rights. I expected this exact timing as it syncs with MICA enforcement. Timing seems to be corelated with a perfect exit.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Is there a test farcaster network that should also allow free accounts? It might be useful to have something like that works on a different test network. In the absence of that, a channel named /testing(which exists but seems not for testing) is a poor-man alternative.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Implementation of frames with Shadow Dom and a sandboxed JavaScript Engine(WASM) would have been impressive. Pros: - Could make any sort of app, potentially even run in full-screen - Much more efficient than posting and fetching images Cons: - Easy for scammers to employ social engineering - Req browser engine +++
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Being part of many privacy-focused communities(before crypto) and advocating in favor of privacy rights for many years, I see these developments as very grim and saddening. I feel crypto communities do not fight enough for privacy rights. Privacy is a core tenant of what crypto ethos is in my book.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
I kept PfSense(v2.5) off for a few months. I turned it back on, and it gave some weird errors about not finding /entropy and host ID. I tried solutions found on the net, but none worked, so I just flashed the latest version, and everything worked even the config was retained.
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Do you want to make GitHub repos semi-public? I wrote a bot that can do that in node and rust check article here:
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Andrei O. pfp
Andrei O.
Smart move, especially if on time.
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