Aram Mughalyan.eth pfp
Aram Mughalyan.eth
Everybody is cheering ChatGPT. But they are completely missing the big picture. And Elon rightfully highlighted it. Closed-source AI with the fastest product adoption should raise some red flags.
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Abhinav Vishwa pfp
Abhinav Vishwa
We don't need open-source AI, we need "verifiable" AI. What if you could run your closed-source model but verify that the inferences are unbiased and haven't been tempered with, before being served. Similarly, as an extension you could reward users for providing their data in a predictable way. cc @yassinelanda.eth
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Yassine Landa pfp
Yassine Landa
Well put. That is exactly what we need and what smart contract gives us. Not even the model creator can temper with its execution or close it etc.
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Aram Mughalyan.eth pfp
Aram Mughalyan.eth
That's one way to go but seems like that's not what they are doing now.
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