Aram Mughalyan.eth pfp
Aram Mughalyan.eth
Everybody is cheering ChatGPT. But they are completely missing the big picture. And Elon rightfully highlighted it. Closed-source AI with the fastest product adoption should raise some red flags.
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Aram Mughalyan.eth pfp
Aram Mughalyan.eth
It's not open source. Others can't check the code. Not even OpenAI engineers can predict its behavior with 100% accuracy. Now imagine this AI doing something mildly wrong. That's gonna impact millions of people. And it's not a blockchain that you can fork. That's why AI should be open-sourced like web3 protocols.
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Minh Do pfp
Minh Do
Seems to me what he didn’t want to happen was inevitable to begin with. The moment one AI is introduced, it immediately introduces competition for other AI, thus creating an AI arms race. So I wonder if this is him being genuinely naive or he’s absolving himself of the conversation perfomatively.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
I generally hope web3 will fix this
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
to be fair, he also said the bird app would become open source pre-acquisition
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Abhinav Vishwa pfp
Abhinav Vishwa
We don't need open-source AI, we need "verifiable" AI. What if you could run your closed-source model but verify that the inferences are unbiased and haven't been tempered with, before being served. Similarly, as an extension you could reward users for providing their data in a predictable way. cc @yassinelanda.eth
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
How many people here use only open source software, My desktop is Linux, and that has some tradeoffs because you don't have everything working out of the box. I agree that it needs to be open source, but that will not be enough.
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rish pfp
Account abstraction fixes this
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