VidaVerde.eth pfp



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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Happy 😍😃 and grateful to those who supported us 🗳️ we are in the TOP 10 🔝🔟 of the 💖 Love of Public Goods QR Round funded by @publicnouns Your support ☺️ is very important to us thank you for donating and being part of the change and conservation of the environment from actions 🌳🌀💚 @glodollar @mux
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
II Call for Art + Regen Web 3 2025 Event organized by Vida Verde where we invite young artists in order to promote Web3 culture through art and regeneration. A very nounish day ! ⌐◨-◨ We will keep you informed! ♻️💚
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
@drgonzo @marvinsmetrics @flowit
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
So go our days of work in the Bio Filter 🚰♻️ that will recover our sewage that we will take to the Agro Bosque.🌳🌳🌳🌳 ✳️ We installed the first sections of pipe 2' of 30 cm each , through them will pass the water to each filtering pit. ✳️ We applied 2 coats of stucco to seal the pits and give greater impermeability, this was a job of several days, because of the drying time between coats. ✳️ 48 hours after the last coat was applied, we sanded it and gave it a better finish.
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Phycho Arepa pfp
Phycho Arepa
Aquí un recuento de la convocatoria artística que organizó @vidaverde en donde pude dar un concierto nounish el cual convertiré en NFT en los próximos días! A parte de mi presentación hablé de la Web3 /warpcast y /nouns incentivando a los artistas a incursionar en este campo! Un día lleno de arte, Danza, música, Web3 y Pizza 🍕 💚♻️
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Phycho Arepa pfp
Phycho Arepa
Niñ@s nounificando sus títeres con nOGs en esta fase final los niñ@s personalizan y fabrican sus propias gafas. Se ha creado una comunidad de títeres nounish! Faltan terminar los trajes y tomarnos una buena foto final de esta experiencia única en la zona rural de El Hatillo en donde más de 30 niñ@s aprendieron el arte del teatro de muñecos.
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Phycho Arepa pfp
Phycho Arepa
Construyendo andamos ! Adelantamos presencia de @vidaverde con un nuevo taller de títeres en una nueva comunidad! Taller de títeres nounish una propuesta para llevar arte /nouns hecho con material reciclado ♻️💚
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Phycho Arepa pfp
Phycho Arepa
Más contento que carajito con chupeta ! Los nOGs llegaron para quedarse. Sin ellos estamos construyendo cosas bien nounish imagínate con ellos todo el día 🫠😆 vengan los nunnnnsss a construir se ha dicho ♻️💚
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
@drgonzo this updates are not reflected in my Flow stream, you can add it . I would like to see them all there.
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
@drgonzo this updates are not reflected in my Flow sequence, you can add it
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Hi @drgonzogonzo the last 3 updates are not reflected in my Flow sequence.
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
I love this, it's great to be able to add YouTube videos🆒 😎 , we still can't upload videos to Warpcast because we haven't reached 200 followers.😅 🤣
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Waooo! With direct shipping to Venezuela please!!😍
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
It would be great to be part of the Nouns ⌐◨-◨ governance as builders of public goods that work from education, art, ecology and web 3, promoting lifestyles + green from community actions with children and youth for free. 🔥 😍 🔥 @arepa @cvnuitter
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
@drgonzo @marvinsmetrics
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
It is wonderful to infect others with what we are passionate about! We have received a wonderful message that fills us with joy! In January we started the Cycle of Regenerative Workshops in Vida Verde with the BioFilter 🚰 ♻️ Workshop given by @cvnuitter, where we went from theory to practice. More than 30 people attended, including the local community, university students of Agroecology and Scouts. A group of Agroecology students who attended our workshop decided to base their degree work on the Biological Filters. The satisfaction is immense and drives us to one more. 🔥💚🔥 The teacher sent us a video of the small model they made of a BioFilter, which they are using in their classes to recreate the BioFilter with the rest of the students. This is beautiful!😍 ♻️ ⌐◨-◨
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Check again this publication here is the link to the laws, regulations and rules, we do not require a permit since the local law promotes and supports them, the construction of the Biofilters. Check again and increase my points 😉
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Correct then my score should be perfect .💚
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
This update has all the information and from permission, check it again and move on to improve my score 😊
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VidaVerde.eth pfp
Today is March 11 🫢 many days left to publish.
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