Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Haven’t been in a mood to exercise for nearly a month. And I’m a reluctant exerciser even at my most motivated. I’m basically not a gym guy but am either too old or not suitably situated for the sports I used to enjoy being mediocre at (swimming, ultimate, ping pong, briefly squash). My small apartment pool prohibits lap swimming. I can only easily swim when I travel to decent hotels or to parents home in India these days (their apartment has a decent pool) I first realized I was getting old when I briefly tried to join an ultimate league in Rochester ~2007-08 when I was mid 30s. Just couldn’t keep up with the young people. There were a couple of super fit older people who played but most were in their 20s. That was ~17y ago. In LA I lived right next to Griffith observatory and that hike was something I looked forward to. Here in Kirkland there’s a nice trail but it’s entirely flat so not really exercise unless I go for hours.
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Strange Attractor
What are your thoughts on swing dancing? It looks like there are drop-in sessions in Kirkland. Swing dancing, including Lindy Hop and Charleston, is something I enjoyed doing before Covid. It does not involve much wear and tear on the body.
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Brent Fitzgerald
If feasible, work with a personal trainer 1x/week. It’ll really help get you moving.
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Ralph Old Dad
U can’t be too old if im not too old.
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Johanna 🎩
What about horse riding? My dad took it up in his 50s and the bond between animal <> human makes you forget the fact that you are excersising. Also almost all apartment/house swimming pools are too small for lap swimming no? you would need to sign up for a indoor swimming pool specifically for lap excercise
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I have a friend that works with professionals and developing methods and habits that assist in their lifestyle and health. He mixes qigong practices with modern applications of fitness science. Here is his patreon. FYI NSFW (nudity) Exercised changed for me when it turned into smaller HIT style training and with the flexibility to move it around with my variable commitments. I also feel very deflated with exercise when my exercise doesn't evolve like the rest of my life and it sort of becomes this legacy wedge that is siloed from an integrated life. This is partly because I don't have any goals with health like bigger, stronger, but more so just "feeling good"
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Sounds like me. The only thing that has been close to working for me is doing an activity I like that - oops - also causes me to exercise as a side effect. And I must like said activity so much I forget about the unpleasantness of the side effect. Dance was this thing for me. Latin dance, DDR, Just Dance etc.
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Keep trying!
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