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Hahaha I can totally understand the predicament, because this subject especially requires quite a lot of focus and dedication!
I've found a loophole for that, I use a lot of what I study to create art, so it's a win win😆
Well, Taurus & Capricorn are earth signs, while your rising is a water one - that in itself feels incredibly nourishing because those two can work well together. However, Taurus & Scorpio are opposing signs on the chart, so it feels like there's be a lot of push and pull internally because Taurus wants stability, safety, consistency (especially emotionally in this case) and Scorpio is always looking and pushing for transformation & transmutation (which inevitably is driven by change). Overall it feels like it'd make for a reliable, resilient & fking fierce personality! Also supremely intuitive! 🔥 1 reply
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