Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Should Farcaster count string lengths as bytes or characters?
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Thanks everyone! A tough decision, but we made the final call after factoring in everyones feedback today:
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Corbin Page 👑🎩 pfp
Corbin Page 👑🎩
Option B imho
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
B - TIL why I get so confused when I can’t predict how long my casts and replies are allowed to be
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blingbling🌟 pfp
B: Regardless of the tool, it is humans who ultimately using them. Therefore, it's important choose a more user-friendly approach, one that is more attuned to our human nature.
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Lens has no limits. Would like to know why the protocol decided to set a limit. Regarding the question: I would choose what's best for the protocol. Then the client libraries should abstract this issue for the devs.
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cj pfp
Can casts be “composed”? Say cyrillic, I want 320 actual symbols. Can I compose two casts of 160 symbols (320 bytes) to create a single one of 320 symbols? Is this up to client implementation?
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Greg pfp
Option A feels too technical for most users
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
A Famously, twitter increased its character count because they were treating Japanese characters as 1 even though they were many bytes & had more information than the average English word. Because of this, Japanese Twitter had healthier "dynamics", because there was more information per tweet. A fixes this discrepancy
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blobs pfp
A for protocol can’t B just be enforced arbitrarily inside a client SDK like farcaster-{js,py,…} that all the client implementers use?
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
For users: characters. Unicode (and multibyte characters specifically) are too much of an implementation detail
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Rohit Kulshreshtha pfp
Rohit Kulshreshtha
A If the protocol is shardable down to fid, the information content of a fixed number of casts is an individual level concern rather than a protocol concern.
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dimalaba.eth pfp
A - better to be technical and precise for protocol (+ others use bytes) B,C can be implemented at client level
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Omar Mezenner pfp
Omar Mezenner
100% characters since that's what normal people deal with. 'characters' are a little ambiguous but I like Go's definition of 'runes', which is really just a unicode code point:
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Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛ pfp
Jackson 🎩🍖🐈‍⬛
A seems better for protocol design, B seems better for UX
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Josh Babetski pfp
Josh Babetski
Option B + some C + the remaining char. counter from A. B: Concur with the build for humans replies. Hot take is also the "half as many messages" argument may be a bit fallacious. Not every cast will max out, people maxing out will just thread and post multiple casts, so you're down to people abbr 2 fit w/i char lmts.
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