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I feel like video game music is grossly overlooked. Even the genre as a name does a disservice to the many styles it can take form in. This faithful deconstruction of Quartz Quatrant G Mix speaks to the creativity needed to make something atmospheric yet joyful under tight computing constraints.
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Hardest agree ever. To add your point about the name doing it a disservice, it's really the only "part" of a game that can exist on its own. It requires no connection to the game to be enjoyed, and yet it adds so damn much to the game.
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Great point!! This song among many others I enjoy are from games I’ve yet to even play!
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There's a funny element of triple nostalgia at play. Even if I haven't played a game, I played enough to experience one through its music. Considering I no longer have the time to spend endless hours gaming, it's quite magical. Of course, a familiar song brings memories that can be more profound than the experience of playing it once upon a time. Life is weird. Games are weird. I carry some shame in the hours "lost" in computer worlds. And yet I'm so grateful for their existence.
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I’m on a very similar boat I’m not having any time for games nowadays. I remember being deeply immersed in the Minecraft alpha in 2011 until I asked myself “what’s the point? No one cares about what I’m building” and I stopped. It’s a delicate balancing act between escaping reality and enjoyment of past and even art. In hindsight most of my favorite memories involve video games, often playing with others. These are all things I think about more and more as my toddler gets older and I inevitably introduce him to video games and relive fond memories while making new ones.
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