Kevin pfp



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Kevin pfp
Glad you're enjoying it! Thanks @greg :)
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andrei pfp
seriously impressed with - what a great piece of software! Thanks again @greg for getting me started.
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Kevin pfp
POV: you work on tooling that's compatible with *any* EVM chain
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Kevin pfp
Depends on how large the app is (e.g. how many historical events). The smallest apps can run on Railway/Alchemy free tiers. Lmk if you have any other questions!
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Kevin pfp
Historical data on reorgs is pretty scarce IME. Some block explorers record them. Not aware of an analytics-oriented tool that does it well.
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Kevin pfp
Upgrade and enjoy! Chat: Release: Docs:
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Kevin pfp
Block indexing is built using the same RPC-compatible, reorg-aware engine that powers log indexing. The `interval` option accepts a block interval, but it’s easy to convert a time interval (e.g. every day) into a block interval using the chain's block time.
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Kevin pfp
Ponder 0.4.16 introduces block indexing Block indexing is great for cron / scheduled tasks: - Read the latest price from an oracle contract every minute to build a price chart - Aggregate data every hour to update protocol-wide statistics
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Kevin pfp
Ponder 0.4.15 improves crash recovery behavior Before, if a fully indexed app crashed (often due to a short-lived RPC reliability issue) it would need to reindex from scratch Now, Ponder apps periodically checkpoint their indexing progress. After a crash, you can restart the app and it will pick up where it left off
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Kevin pfp
This gave me more fomo than any other farcon content
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Kevin pfp
You wouldn’t last one hour in the asylum where they raised me
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I agree but then again I'm the sort of person who doesn't notice the difference between watching movies in 1024x768 and anything higher.
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Kevin pfp
Holy shit. This is a technological breakthrough.
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Kevin pfp
Yea, I'm just skeptical that 0.1s unlocks a better user experience in practice if you're already doing client-side prediction, optimistic UI updates, etc. My guess is that the point of diminishing returns is closer to 500ms. I'm probably very wrong though, just genuinely curious. cc @frolic
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Kevin pfp
Released in 0.4.10
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Kevin pfp
In the next version of Ponder, error logs for SQL constraint violations are more human-friendly
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Kevin pfp
0.4.9 adds support for transaction receipts and speeds up historical indexing by ~50%, thanks to @kjs
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Kevin pfp
TIL degen chain has a very short block time (currently 0.1s, average 0.4s). For what applications does such a fast block time offer tangible benefits over a 2s chain like Base?
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Kevin pfp
I might be misreading the diff, but looks like you removed the query for `alreadyProcessed`, such that it will now always be undefined? (And perhaps that query was expensive?) Regardless, super curious to get to the bottom of it
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Kevin pfp
Desperate for more details, pls
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