tusz pfp



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tusz pfp
welcome :)
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tusz pfp
additionally, here is the fictional worlds they create with particular detailed paid to the ethnographic and economic details: https://edgeryders.eu/c/witness/398
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tusz pfp
Are you familiar with edge-ryders? They've done some really pioneering work in this exact cross-section between ethnography & fiction. There's a bunch more resources on the forum, but this post is directly related to your line of thinking: https://edgeryders.eu/t/worldbuilding-academy-the-ethnography-of-utopia/15137
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tusz pfp
I usually write when I feel like that. It's cathartic. Feels like there's something inside that needs to come out. Can be anything from a story or a poem, to a product spec. But after getting the thoughts down it feels like something meaningful has been done.
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tusz pfp
actually, speak of the devil... Squid, built on top of an app-chain, will enable general message passing between EVM and IBC chains. https://medium.com/@squidrouter/squid-raises-3-5-million-to-build-next-generation-cross-chain-swaps-powered-by-axelar-c3284bf33b02
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tusz pfp
But do you think there's any alternative to the multi-chain idea? In my mind it seems inevitable. Is the recursive argument essentially that all chains outside of the Ethereum ecosystem are irrelevant? And thus it doesn't matter which chain it is?
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tusz pfp
Sure, that makes sense but that chain is probably going to be irrelevant. In reality, the multi-chain future is already here and any chains that are not able to pass light-client verifiable messages to other interconnected chains and don't already have a deep moat can be written off.
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tusz pfp
Security issues are mitigated by opt-in shared security (either one-chain or mesh-network); Stong composability via smart contracts (EVM, CosmWasm, Hardened Javascript) & ABCI++. Cross-chain UX is great via IBC and Interchain accounts. Scalability resolved by data-availability sampling.
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tusz pfp
Hey @timdaub.eth I just read your "Why I don't believe in a multichain future" piece and I think you approached it from the ETH-native multi-chain PoV. A lot of your criticisms aren't relevant in an actual multi-chain ecosystem like Cosmos. https://proofinprogress.com/posts/2022-01-02/multichain-future.html
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tusz pfp
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tusz pfp
apologies, somehow missed that that was from you. I have the same use cases. have you heard of dendron?
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tusz pfp
yes, please share more
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tusz pfp
but I'm thinking about unbundling. My main usecases are: - journaling - content notes (books, videos, audio, etc.) - long-form writing - project management
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tusz pfp
I use dendron (I prefer it b/c the "flexible hierarchy" structure which lets you refactor notes or backlink them as well as create templates and easily locate notes) https://www.dendron.so/
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tusz pfp
what's your use case for it @phil ? What were you looking for?
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tusz pfp
I've spent a lot of time digging into personal-knowledge-management systems and found its mostly a rabbit-hole / advanced form of procrastination. Thought this was a good article about it: https://borretti.me/article/unbundling-tools-for-thought tldr: https://i.imgur.com/rvH5tIH.png
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tusz pfp
Not sure if it's what your looking for, but https://fetch.ai/ is at this intersection. In particular, check out their collective learning docs and the collective learning projects built there https://docs.fetch.ai/colearn/about/
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tusz pfp
I haven't watched too many Sci-fi tv series / movies, but I'm a fan of space operas, utopian / dystopian stuff, and just good stories in general. Will check out both this and firefly. Thanks for the recommendation and write-up!
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tusz pfp
@matthewmorek would you recommend watching it? I know it's hard to recommend with so little context, but would love to hear your thoughts
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tusz pfp
has anyone here seen the show "the expanse"? Thoughts?
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