I discovered Obsidian recently thanks to @kepano. It's quite good, but requires some customization to achieve its full potential. Here's a guide on my setup:
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I've spent a lot of time digging into personal-knowledge-management systems and found its mostly a rabbit-hole / advanced form of procrastination. Thought this was a good article about it: tldr:
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John Hoang
Out of curiosity, what are some good alternatives?
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I use dendron (I prefer it b/c the "flexible hierarchy" structure which lets you refactor notes or backlink them as well as create templates and easily locate notes)
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but I'm thinking about unbundling. My main usecases are: - journaling - content notes (books, videos, audio, etc.) - long-form writing - project management
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John Hoang
I use it too! The ease of refactoring is great, but I found it hard to reuse my notes. My main use case is content notes. What are you unbundling to?
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