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matt pfp
I have actually quit my previous job at Toyota because of Agile and Scrum (used in a form of “SAFe”) and all the other bullshit I couldn’t take anymore working in such an environment as a builder just drains your soul, so I joined @ba and @cojo.eth at Ponder feels good to be shipping again
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thehilker 🎩↑🥱  pfp
thehilker 🎩↑🥱
Would you be up to sharing any high-level bullet points on how you all work at Ponder?
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matt pfp
it's mostly the "Linear method" in a lightweight version. we work in weekly cycles, plan once a week what we want to ship/accomplish in any given cycle, then get crackin' and execute if situation changes, we adapt easily without sunk-cost bias or regrets also, we keep iterating on our methodology as we go
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