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Eric P. Rhodes
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as a jack-of-all-trades type, I find this world is not very forgiving to us. I can even hear other people's opinions needling their way into my subconscious as they recite and chorus in my ear to "niche down", "focus-- Torii, no one wants to hear all of that", on and on. Thank you for this article, I honestly feel so seen and I needed this today-- in particular. thx babe🤘 😆
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Eric P. Rhodes
took me a long time to accept my fate as a polymath. it's not for the faint of heart that's for sure. people often quote that "jack of all trades master of none" as evidence that we're supposed to be a master of one. but what they don't realize is that the full quote is actually: "jack of all trades master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one." you might like my post on the inner critic too. mine is very loud.
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Omg yes. Tyvm🤘🏻
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