Nico.cast🎩  pfp
Working on a ML model which will output an 'address score' similar to how credit scores work (~low is 300-500, mid 500-650, high 650+) some interesting data: me: 529.52 @shoni.eth: 567.79 @cassie: 685.06 @jc: 698.19 @dwr.eth: 663.29 @dcposch.eth: 752.81
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
I am planning to open-source the model. My training data and scoring system depend on a dozens of factor, notably num_transactions_score, transaction_frequency, total_value Goal: decentralized consumer reports anyone?
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Tomu pfp
this is really great! amazing to have -> a dummy frontend where you put an address and get the score.
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