tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
The Product: “Smart contracts for dumb humans” 👆Highkey offensive? Lowkey intriguing? …bc I think this is actually the tldr-est statement of what we’re making 😅 PS - imo nearly every human except, like, Vitalik & Crew, is dumb when it comes to smart contracts
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Aaina  pfp
I think people have too visceral an aversion to the word dumb for it to be the strongest choice. tracks with the dunning -kruger effect 🙃 maybe: smart contracts, made simple.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
agree with you! thank you for thinking through this, and actually really like where you went with :) based on some awesome user testing, we are going in a direction that makes this even more powerful, optimistic and accessible. Excited to release soon. Would love to run prototype of the new one by you sometime 🤩
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Aaina  pfp
yea for sure, let’s set it up
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