Greg pfp
Zora testnet's chain id is 999 but that seems to already exist 🤔 never heard of wanchain and I don't know if it's a problem given they are both testnets, but the collision def caught me off guard
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
why does zora have a test net?
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Greg pfp
they're launching an L2 on the OP stack
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Colin pfp
Do you know the motivation for them launching an L2?
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
something something gas costs and maybe additionally EIP-4444 where ETH devs decided to make outright hostile proposals to delete mainnet state from nodes as to cope with defi trading bloat yes you heard that right ETH core devs
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