Bribery is the status quo in many countries and I believe it’s a skill Westerners should at least attempt to understand for the future If you are in a situation (with a cop or otherwise) where you feel like a bribe might smooth things over, start the conversation by asking “Is there something I can do to resolve this?” and negotiate from there. Cash preferred for now but once Coinbase gets “the next billion” onchain I am confident USDC will also be accepted
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Nah, the onchain bit will act as a brake It’s why you ask for a receipt when a cop or soldier tries to shake you down in eg Africa (North or SSA) They don’t want the paper trail
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I’m from a third world country I can testify that the police accept bank transfers as bribes There’s no fear of the paper trail here
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Which one?
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Urgh, Nigeria
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For real? I’ve asked for receipts there and ducked bribes Has been a minute since I was there though Your country has amazing people who would excel if given the opportunity to travel freely
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