sean pfp
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I still need to dive into exactly what is technically happening, but if you need to keep abstracting away the crypto layers of your app I don’t think I understand the point of you building it onchain? Or at least the way you’re putting it onchain? Feels like an architecture redesign makes more sense but idk
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sean pfp
I agree. To be fair to them, it sounds kinda like FC hubs, so they aren’t alone. In either case, I don’t think the non-blockchain networks will last long term anyway, because the economics will eventually force them to centralize, federate, or go to blockchains with built in hosting compensation mechanisms
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sean pfp
But no one can beat the FC community. Our network might change over time, but the people here will change the industry.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Very different design than Hubs. If the corporate funding for Lens stops, network shuts down tomorrow. Apps integrated with Hubs work today if Warpcast goes down. Happened a week or so ago.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Yea 100% I’m here because my conviction around organizing protocols requires the approach @dwr.eth and @v are taking with sufficient decentralization shifting over time. I just think it’s disingenuous when folks disagree with their words and then agree with their actions little by little lol
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