sean pfp
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I still need to dive into exactly what is technically happening, but if you need to keep abstracting away the crypto layers of your app I don’t think I understand the point of you building it onchain? Or at least the way you’re putting it onchain? Feels like an architecture redesign makes more sense but idk
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Jacob pfp
Did we all miss the whole Lens launched a L3 announcement?
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
hah to say that „L3“ security is „medium“ is probably the most hand wavy thing I‘ve seen today
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
does momoka support evm or even smart contract? Other than storing social interactions, what else could you build there?
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