Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
Would you switch political parties if one became clearly pro crypto? 1. Yes 2. Maybe 3. No 4. Other https://i.imgur.com/zL4rBys.png
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Ponder Surveys pfp
Ponder Surveys
When submitting your vote: โœ… put your option # first โœ… add additional comments after your chosen # ๐Ÿ‘ follow me to see results
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ted (DO NOT DC ME) pfp
ted (DO NOT DC ME)
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Colin Farconson โžก๏ธ  pfp
Colin Farconson โžก๏ธ
2. Depends on how fascist we get
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Ben Adamsky (Far,Con) pfp
Ben Adamsky (Far,Con)
3 thereโ€™s more to politics than being a crypto maxi, even if it is an important issue
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Corbin Page ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽฉ pfp
Corbin Page ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽฉ
1 or 2.
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AwedJob ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
AwedJob ๐ŸŽฉ
3 crypto is not that central in my life.
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Mark Fishman ๐Ÿ”œ FarCon! pfp
Mark Fishman ๐Ÿ”œ FarCon!
3 I would support individual candidates doing good things in crypto, but the party system is dumb anyway
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
3. No, but I'm being tested in real time on if I'll switch from anti-crypto sentiment...
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
1 - cause I donโ€™t think they could become pro crypto without becoming based pro freedom and pro peace
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WebOfTrustโœจ๐Ÿ”ด pfp
Absolutely no. Look at CT, full of scam and grinders. Some of "influencers" twits does not give me confidance in their IQ and capabilities to understand and take responsibility. Happy to support someone with knowledge and skills but not to a party.
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