WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp



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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Builder or contributor, join the collective to make it even stronger. For the upcoming Optimism RPGF Onchain Builders round, make sure to provide your feedback on the forum or just comment below and i will add them. https://gov.optimism.io/t/retro-funding-4-onchain-builders-round-details/7988?u=opuser
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
and straight to zero. be very careful out there.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Gas is 8-9 gwie whole day, get your mainnet transaction in.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
and someone lauched another token with same name. use well known brand name, lauch token, put some initial liquidity and rug. they did the same with older token. https://dexscreener.com/base/0xfcf6906682529d1ef7185881506a55886939a3d9
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
One long term benefit of Base could be institution running their own L2s. $20M revenue in a month is every VC dream, expect one big instituation launching their own before this cylce ends. https://x.com/tokenterminal/status/1777745496603328980
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Great, now we have an app specific L2 https://x.com/worldcoin/status/1780611997396095157
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Remember Axie; folks I know were earning equal to their monthly salary playing the game but onboarding was difficult. Similar to meme, gamefi could onboard more users given UX is simple and stupid. Take the complexity of Blockchain out and imerse the token towards users.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Doing this again...share any art you have created and still minting on Zora.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
I am mobile heavy user and have used almost all wallet available on android. Thank you to each individual working behind CB wallet...it works all the time, every single time.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Exlcude degen related cast from overall cast. Anyone has a dashboard for something like that ?
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
hard to believe how much power a single account holds in this market. Ansem bought something, triggered the alert, price moved multifold. which phase of the market we are in now.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Totally agree with this take. Use your tip to reward value adding content. Support positive contributions.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
You don't need to launch a token to be a successful project. And you don't need a million TPS to be a successful chain. Build trust and consumers will follow you.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
If you want to increase quality content on your timeline, enable that sweet notification on your favorite account. Working really well so far.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Someone created a token with Zora as a ticker and used the same icon as the official Zora. Just because Base is permissionless and anyone can deploy anything doesn't permit you to impersonate a brand. Straight up crime and inviting legal action https://dexscreener.com/base/0x342bd473b39f70493767144e18c5ca1ae132915e
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
on the flip side, 99% of projects are trying to find a problem to justify their existence, instead of faking partnership with MacD (OMG/Vechain) style now we are seeing on the paper promise of 10000TPS, multisig bridge and L2s. Rinse and repeat the approach of ICO.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
ICO in '17, NFT in '20 And now LST/LRT, excluding meme token/project One thing common is the settlement layer, Ethereum. Think long term and things will be clear.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
little late but done. One suggestion, I would keep the mint price as low as possible.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Simple wallet with sampler UX. 10USD gift if you have a power badge.
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WebOfTrust✨🔴 pfp
Trying something. I have 60K $enjoy and would like to support content creator on base/optimism. Please comment mint link and I will distribute equally on Saturday. Extra point for Blue and Red color art
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