Matt Garcia pfp

Matt Garcia


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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
The paradox of AI: can solve humanity's current existential risks can become a new existential risk itself Solves: energy depletion, pandemics, climate change, meteorite collisions, global governance challenges... Introduces: misaligned ASI, AI-powered totalitarianism, AI-powered lone-actor terrorism, AGI-associated genocide incentive
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
THE BIG HISTORY OF AI: from Big Bang to ASI I've condensed the state-of-the-art research in Big History into this 30-minute journey from the origin of our universe to the 4th evolutionary epoch that ASI is about to initiate.
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
agi will be the first metatech tech that can invent more tech
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
enjoy aging because this is one of the last decades in which you'll be able to experience it
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
ai will literally make or break your life
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
90% of people's reaction to AI: "Nah, this thing is dumb, it still doesn't solve all my problems.'
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
Can you feel the ASI?
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
AI: I’m just a few years away from becoming a technological God Humans:
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
How AI can revolutionize (human) prostitution:
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
The AI existential threat few know about:
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
The AI existential threat no one is talking about
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
new video on the AI Wealth Fracture
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
i have a dream...
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
Anyone who has a terrible disease, and who understands AI, is an AI accelerationist. AI = hope
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
been months since GPT-4 last hallucinated on me
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
FLYING seemed impossible throughout history... ...until 1903 THINKING MACHINES seemed impossible, too "Machines will never reason!" ...until 2017 IMMORTALITY seems impossible today.... ...the next decade we'll learn that it was, once again, waiting for us just around the corner
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
2035 Trillionaire is the new millionaire. Quintillionaire, the new billionaire. Meanwhile, everybody else is an UBI-bitch.
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Matt Garcia pfp
Matt Garcia
Thought experiment: When AGI is achieved, it'll make sense for the rich to stage a reverse-French Revolution. And I mean literally. As in killing. So they won't have to share: -energy -compute -raw materials With billions of humans they no longer need to produce the goods & services they require to live lavishly.
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