Sitting in a line for 4 hours to get a passport renewal this morning. 4:30am until 8:30am when the office opens. I’m #6 in the line. Very exciting stuff. AMA
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biggest interest outside of nouns/crypto?
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currently, studying the bible
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whenever i set foot in a christian setting im in awe of how well that meme is executed — to an extent that its taken over every major life happening
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wdym “taken over every major life happening”? ref to their lives or general western society
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even though im not christian, baptism (~birth/name-giving ceremony), marriage, funeral are all steeped in christian rituals and largely impossible to escape then ofc we have xmas, easter and a bunch other yearly recurring events its like if noun-o-clock was deeply ingrained in our lives but we didnt really stop and think about why
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++++ it’s a big reason why i’m studying it. so f’ing lindy, just too fascinating to pass
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