Semui pfp



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Semui pfp
Fun fact, this NFT is actually an interactive game 🎮 Can be played in the OpenSea link.
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Semui pfp
A dark room with the curtains open a sliver really makes you appreciate how bright is a full moon.
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Semui pfp
Semui-tan wuvs her Minecwaft viwwager fwiends, but sometimes she gets wonewy and dwifts into Wovecwaftian dweams uwu Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
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Semui pfp
I thought there aren’t enough runways/ramps in the world for all airplanes to land at the same time. Wonder what they’ll do 🤔
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Semui pfp
Top news in Japan, 14 high schoolers taken to hospital for eating spicy potato chips 🌶️ Yes this is a real story.
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Semui pfp
Lost tech? Real examples of that meme: “we can’t. We don’t know how to.”
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Semui pfp
Anyone else have the problem where when you try to open your Warpcast NFT tab, the app crashes?
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Semui pfp
ParentCasters, any tips on preventing your kids from getting motion sickness in the backseat? Does a junior seat make any difference in that regard 🤔
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Semui pfp
I do one parent one language with my son, but have been less strict with my younger daughter. Today when I said we’re only going to be speaking English, she promptly declared she will ignore me. She’s a stubborn one. But guess who she got that from 🤩
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Semui pfp
Cinematic one. Could he heros, villains, on in-between 🍿
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Semui pfp
Was about to make a GoldenEye joke before realizing this is where they shot it and now I’m just sad 🥲
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Semui pfp
rough rough work week. nothing like getting your teeth kicked in to internalize certain business learnings 📖 drive or be driven.
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Semui pfp
Can scroll past most Twitter videos, but the carpet cleaning ones get me every time.
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Semui pfp
Ilegible hand writing is my greatest weapon against the machines.
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Semui pfp
There’s an obscure, abandoned-looking man made structure in a forest I found on google maps some years back that I’ve been oddly drawn to. But no, I shall not go there. I shall not.
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Semui pfp
Trying to help my son find “The Book” that would spark his interest in reading, but haven’t had much luck so far. It was Goosebumps for me. Started reading and never stopped. It’s out there somewhere. Wish it were easier 🥲
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Semui pfp
剣道の小手 (kendo kote) 1.5分手刺 (1.5 bu hand-stitched) They don’t make them like they used to.
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Semui pfp
I feel the same way. Do I really like something, or am I pretending for whatever reason. Giving into the latter too often makes you forget what the former feels like.
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Semui pfp
The length of my evening doomscrolling is directly correlated to the level of stress I have for the next day.
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Semui pfp
Japan in one photo
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