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Jorge Pablo Franetovic π©
it would be valuable for neynar to have simple and rate limited api key's for people that are tinkering with the protocol the 10 usd tier could be a block for many aspiring devs that are looking for free tooling to test things out do i pay for a tutorial or for 1 month of usage of something that i don't know how to use?
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artlu is on lunchbreak!
farquest has FOSS high performance api's. pinata is basically doing this, wrapping some neynar endpoints in a generous free tier. lists free open Hubs, which themselves have APIs
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artlu is on lunchbreak!
tutorial writers have collectively chosen to focus on Neynar examples because the DX is really that good to justify the cost IMHO. plus you get no-code frames hosting
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to be fair the DX is just being able to run one query vs multiple SQL style queries against hubs. if you have a hosted SQL and a shared foss library to do the queries for you, you're more flexible and get the same DX though the added work + non existance of such a library right now that adds multiple queries makes it well worth 10$ to me + no need to worry about hosting that DB the hub nodejs package is also somewhat nice, but is just directly the hub API wrapped, not multiple queries combined
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Jorge Pablo Franetovic π©
ok but imagine someone that doesn't know that farcaster exists imagine someone that has never ever coded, any single line do you think that person would pay the 10 usd? do you think that person would pay even the 6 usd for the new account in here? im talking about third world citizens that see on the internet an opportunity to make a living, and for which any penny is an opportunity cost rn there is no easy way to plug and play them
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I agree with the above, which is why I wanted to make Hubs first class citizen in though the v2 rewrite we did never went upstream so I stopped working on it, v2 proposal: PS: the npm mentioned in v2 doesn't exist
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Jorge Pablo Franetovic π©
that's why it is low hanging fruit. if someone focuses on creating youtube videos to teach people that don't know how to code (and don't even know that farcaster exists, or web3, or anything) and teach them with apples and oranges, the compounding effect of publishing one of those every week over a period of one year from now will be invaluable that's the low hanging fruit. making this as simple as it can the next billion people onchain will be brought by the next 10 million devs from which 99% don't know they are devs yet, because they think programming is hard (which it is, but ai abstracts all of that complexity into natural language)
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