Sam is in Valencia ✦  pfp
Sam is in Valencia ✦
Alright enough drama for this week What are you looking forward to this weekend? I’m going back home 🏡 and I’m gonna eat so much asian food lol
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Specktacular Cast ⛏️🐸🔵 pfp
Specktacular Cast ⛏️🐸🔵
Fun hustle and travel this week (beautiful Bucharest), so weekend's welcome. Asian food is so tasty! 💚 Lady is away, so a colleague and I go to a Former Team's Meetup lunch, a couple of hours North, tomorrow. Local, Italian food for us, Sam. Sunday, lazy but also the usual long walk. Thank you for asking.
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Sam is in Valencia ✦  pfp
Sam is in Valencia ✦
Sounds so nice! Wow you have a packed schedule but end it off with a nice walk. Enjoy 🤗
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