Sam Iglesias
If writing is thinking, AI-assisted writing should help you think, not write the damn thing for you. As such the current solutions I’m seeing, including Notion, fall short.
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Exactly. PMs out there are lazily shipping features using what OpenAI API gives you, rather than thinking through what an AI-powered text editor could actually help you with.
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When I write something and someone better at writing helps me that says my thoughts better than I wrote the first time, I am grateful, and end up with better clarity on the topic. AI will do the same, it just might not directly teach you how to get there yourself the next time
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Writing isn't just for thinking though. A lot of the writing is for communication of ideas (like convincing you that a product will make your life better), which is often the use-case for apps like Notion. Not that AI-assisted copies will be better for the world though. Just adds noise imo but may make sense for Notion
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Writing is thinking as you say, but when you add ai you take away the thinking portion to a large degree. Therefore the solution to me might be to create a tool for multiple people to come together to think(write) in a way where they build upon eachothers thoughts. Difficult challenge to solve though
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Totally agree. You'll end up not knowing why the AI model says what it says. AI as a learning guide/mentor seems like an underexplored area. It could even quiz you as it goes and adapt the information it provides.
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It’s inevitable though. Thinking moves to other points in the stack.
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Haha. AI isn't going to overtake us humans. We're going to undertake it. 😅
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