sadaf.eth pfp



76 Following

Greg pfp
Gasless usage of DNS names in ENS is live!
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balajis pfp
First ENS-native social network! Congrats to @dwr.eth @v and @nick.eth for ENS itself. Thoughts: 1) Adding ENS registration & profile editing may be a good next step. 2) If Farcaster becomes default ENS — if one can *assume* everyone on the network has an ENS name — much functionality gets unlocked.
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
This isnt obvious yet, but a farcaster username (@balajis) is now also a valid ENS under It’s resolved offchain using the ENS CCIP standard , which means that it’s centrally administered by us but free to get All users start with a free ENS and can upgrade to a decentralized one by paying for it
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sadaf.eth pfp
Welcome Coltrane.eth! 🎉
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DeAi  pfp
Hola a tod@s. Quiero agradecer en mi primer cast a @sadaf por su amabilidad y gran labor en el equipo de ENS. Larga vida a la web3. Larga vida a Ethereum.
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sadaf.eth pfp
Hey there! These are the actions for each term 🙂 V2: Owner - can transfer, and everything else Controller - can edit records, not transfer V3: Owner - can transfer, and everything else Manager - can edit records, not transfer So you’ll need to use your hardware wallet to transfer the name!
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Zadok7 dotETH pfp
Zadok7 dotETH
Hey frENS 🫡
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696🎩 pfp
gm Finally made it here thanks to @sadaf Excited to try this out and connect with y'all!
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sadaf.eth pfp
ENS Logo looking mighty fine on here! 😍
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sadaf.eth pfp
playing poker has taught me so many things about business.. for instance, don’t bet on a company whose founder plays every hand
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sadaf.eth pfp
a dog’s nose has the ability to separate air. a portion goes directly to the olfactory sensing area (the part of the brain that associates scent with memory aka the proust effect), and the rest goes towards breathing. they can also breath in and out at the same time so air is constantly circulating!
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sadaf.eth pfp
hello new world! 🙇🏽‍♀️ i enjoy ENS, decentralization, stand-up, poker, cooking, travel, science and history. if i should be following you please lmk!
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sadaf.eth pfp
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sadaf.eth pfp
@dwr.eth ser maybe this is a question you can answer?
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sadaf.eth pfp
do my deleted casts still show on the timeline hours after like on twitter or am I safe to cast and cancel here (the new tweet and delete)
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sadaf.eth pfp
just set up my twttr
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