Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
Picked up a couple of new books at the bookstore today. Plan to read both through the lens of how AI will impact my work/world. Which should I read first?
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Adam Grant is a solid thinker. Which one are you leaning towards and why?
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
Was thinking: thinking differently is kind of a requirement now with all the leaps in AI and if AI will take on more disruptive small things then Deep Focus work should be a even more of a priority. Both were impulse purchases scanning the shelves while waiting on my daughter at the bookstore. Also...Adam Grant.
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
I was thinking Grant as well. Especially with the lens you’re filtering it through. Grant has play in his writing, character. Seems less academic and more experiential. I’m curious how that maps backwards to the lens.
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