Kei 🗝️ pfp
Kei 🗝️
I think we’re significantly discounting the societal effect of boomers trapped in Facebook horcrux right now having their realities mundanely warped and sometimes decimated by AI content.
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rafa pfp
I think you may be underestimating how many young folks are in that group:
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Kei 🗝️ pfp
Kei 🗝️
I have an assumption that younger people on average can spot newer scams more easily, but I could be totally wrong! There’s definitely an Adams three laws of scams here.
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rafa pfp
I’d love to say yes, but my partner sends me AI generated houses saying “look how pretty, amazing right?” (I’ve been slowly showing them the signs, but I can barely tell the difference now and in 6 months I don’t know if I will) — I guess what I’m saying is that high quality rot is on its way.
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Kei 🗝️ pfp
Kei 🗝️
Fair! It’s weird because so many of the images are only slightly off, like a bad photoshop job. Like, will it slide further than this or go toward gradual untethering?
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