rafa pfp



318 Following

rafa pfp
I think adding channel passes is a great idea. Free to browse, pay to play. One question: can a channel owner give a channel pass to someone interested / who doesn’t have enough funds to pay for the pass? Eg gifting?
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rafa pfp
The issue doesn’t seem to be integrating a label into your identity, it’s being unable to shed the label and remake your identity when it’s no longer in service of your wellbeing
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rafa pfp
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rafa pfp
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rafa pfp
An experiment to semi-anonymise ETH. Going to do an experiment where I try to create a wallet and fund it from multiple anons on the internet. Here’s what I’m thinking: find up to 20 people to each send $10 USDC to a fresh wallet (DM for details), who I will pay back a minimum of 5 extra dollars.
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rafa pfp
“It's only worth making cheats if there's glory worth stealing, so attempts at cheating are actually the sign of a successful competitive environment. However… if we want the win to mean something, we must protect its integrity.” https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/
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rafa pfp
If I ever get a bag due to crypto, I’m probably going to try and give out free WiFi and solar panels to Puerto Rico. Cheap Energy + Freely Flowing Knowledge feels like the key to economic development.
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rafa pfp
Are protocols engines of attention? — Do good ones ensure you turn your attention outward into new opportunities? Do bad ones turn it inwards and produce confusion?
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rafa pfp
I get unreasonably chuffed, compared to energy expended, when I cook a good meal. Not fancy, but good. Now thinking of other activities where the self-satisfaction ratio is high. Calculated as: chuffedness / wattage
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rafa pfp
At their best, protocols seem to produce good luck (engines of serendipity). At their worst, it’s a trap! (engines of misfortune)
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rafa pfp
There’s definitely a sort of math problem where once your team / org reaches X people, there is always someone sick, on holiday, or unavailable due to an issue. Also feels like that number is really low, like less than 10
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rafa pfp
Chatting with an LLM is just a magical experience. It feels like I’m in an infinite library, with an all knowing, ever patient librarian, casually talking about any topic.
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rafa pfp
Parent in the US is asking easiest way to buy crypto, is that simply coinb*se?
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rafa pfp
Someone should create an action called “bonk” that simply removes a user form all channels you admin, mutes them, and hides all previous casts as well.
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rafa pfp
Almost all ops work is like playing hot potato, don’t get caught as the bottleneck
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rafa pfp
Phones are more like anaesthesia than stimulants
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rafa pfp
I have not practiced enough being disagreeable
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rafa pfp
I feel much more confident when someone shares work validated externally, than when approved by internal counterparty (manager, leadership, or otherwise). Feels obvious but not easy to create processes when products are validated by actual users
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rafa pfp
Every agent is an adversary to the network
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rafa pfp
The applications for summer of protocols are awesome reading for /folklore
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