Quintus pfp



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Quintus pfp
DRM for order flow
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Quintus pfp
Defi-Hellman coin exchange
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Quintus pfp
Don’t like TEEs They’re my PET peeve
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Quintus pfp
I don't know if many in the crypto space have really thought through the tension at the heart of permissionless money There are real downsides to permissionless, private money. Perhaps (I believe) they are outweighed by the upsides, but most of us don't really think about the downsides. I'm from South Africa, but live in NYC. When I sit in NYC, it makes complete sense that you'd want to build a financial system to which access cannot be denied and surveillance of which is not possible. Canadian truckers, Navalny and Operation Chokepoint are motivating examples. Headlines telling about dirty russian money or iranians using crypto payment rails to avoid sanctions feel like vague points at best and boogiemen from power hungry governments with hammer-nail-like regulatory appetites. Currently I'm in SA. Here the biggest problem is corruption by far. I happen to know some people who are involved in the investigations that go after corrupt state officials... 1/2
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Quintus pfp
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Quintus pfp
TIL that some farmers in South Africa are replacing guard dogs with ostriches They’re fast, quiet and have a nasty kick with 10cm talons (4in) on each foot. One guy told me he found a would-be sheep thief with their stomach cut open one morning
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Quintus pfp
Open source software doesn’t exist By open source I mean you know for sure what the software is doing when you execute it Pretty much all software today is executed on a foundation of closed source firmware and hardware designs Even if you have an open application running on an open operating system using only open source libraries that still gets executed by some opaque low level software on hardware which no one checks actually executes the logic its supposed to
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Quintus pfp
Pretty cool talk from Bunnie om hardware trojans The first 20 mins gives the most useful taxonomy I’ve come across with concrete examples E.g. this very stealthy example he gives at min 14 https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-iris-non-destructive-inspection-of-silicon
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Quintus pfp
I tried farcaster/warpcast for a bit earlier this year but didn’t really get into it. I get the sense that I didn’t figure out channels and frames that well What’s the best way to use this app?
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Quintus pfp
I’ve been looking at what it would take to build TEEs with much better security assumptions (and much greater success at being secure within those assumptions) This podcast gives a great overview of why one would even want to do this and how Accompanying blogpost: https://writings.flashbots.net/ZTEE2-Supply-Chains
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Quintus pfp
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Quintus pfp
Cheslin’s got that dawg in him
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Quintus pfp
Just published a piece with Christoph which frames all of the research going into “propsing rights allocation” (i.e. ePBS, APS, ET etc) There are a bunch of designs, posts and papers but its not always clear how it all relates to each other. We try to clarify that Some opinions and open questions also included https://collective.flashbots.net/t/isolating-attesters-from-mev/3837?u=quintus
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Quintus pfp
wen focil
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Quintus pfp
The recent bok victories are so much more satisfying when you take into account the new players and strategies we’re trialing
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Quintus pfp
All blacks irl are smaller than I expected Tbf they do have to run a lot
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Quintus pfp
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Quintus pfp
Nice new post from Christoph Schlegel at Flashbots tl;dr: APS designs with an inelastic supply of "proposing rights" lead to more market concentration than elastic supply I.e. having a fixed number of exec tickets likely leads-to-winner-takes-all unlike systems that resemble PoS in which people can stake as much as they like This is one of a number of recent pieces that have been narrowing down the design space for Ethereum’s proposing rights allocation (APS, ePBS etc) https://collective.flashbots.net/t/inelastic-vs-elastic-supply-why-proof-of-stake-could-be-less-centralizing-than-execution-tickets/3816?u=quintus
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Quintus pfp
In case anyone's missed it, here's intel's response to the recent claimed vuln tl;dr: Seems theres a bunch of reasons not to worry about this specific "vuln" Ofc the broader point that TEE-based systems should be designed in anticipation of failures is still valid https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/security-center/announcement/intel-security-announcement-2024-08-29-001.html
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Quintus pfp
Great article to learn how TEEs (don’t) really work and some fixes https://collective.flashbots.net/t/closing-the-intel-tdx-page-fault-side-channel-or-the-case-for-tdexit-notify/3775
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