Nicholas Charriere pfp
Nicholas Charriere
So have people on here built apps with LLM apis? Im curious
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Ayush pfp
@pixel has built @mimichan
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Uncle Davo ✈️ Farcon pfp
Uncle Davo ✈️ Farcon
Been doing mini tools for an NFT project called DystopAI since 2021. Now using them a bit in @unjumble. We also built a quick telegram conversational language bot the other day, lists a price but we’re aggressively giving away free codes lol - just a fun project
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Peter Ferguson pfp
Peter Ferguson
Working on some features for @forum nothing really production ready yet though
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Carlos Matallín pfp
Carlos Matallín
Currently doing it at day job 🙂
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Nico.cast🎩  pfp
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