Chris Powers pfp

Chris Powers


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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Awesome - does it have code deference to the DAO? I'm thinking less about the code and more about the brand. As in, what if someone tries use the Morpho brand to solicit investment. Brands are valuable. You need an entity (and the lawyers) to say, "you can't do that".
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Who owns the front end and Morpho IP?
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
They make money off of people buying USDC. They earn a yield and don't pass it along to stablecoin holders.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Open source development creates an easier and more fair hiring process. If all of our work is public, then we don't have to spend time individually proving it to each potential employer. Limiting the time to hire would be a huge societal gain
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
These are the type of things that DAOs and DeFi could fund when traditional distribution channels are captured by political/business interests
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
This is pretty cool - each purchase quickens the release time of the album. It's also fun that Martin Shkreli is involved. He plays the villain role nicely
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Podcast advertisements are very different when downloaded in a different country. Most of my (English) podcasts have German ads here, except for the daily, which has no ads in Germany! Some form of audience targeting.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Back at DappCon! I attended in 2019, and wow, crypto (and the world) has changed a lot since then.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Vitalik shows how clear writing can be digestible by non-technical folks AND enlightening for the technical crowd that wrestles with these issues on a daily basis
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
discussion: and to their credit, some coverage AFTER the proposal passed
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
This Sushi proposal seems awfully fishy. The tldr: Jared Grey and core team: We're under a governance attack! Give us control of $40m in assets Community: wait, no that's cray cray jaredgrey and core team: We'll use the SUSHI in treasury to meet quorum and push the proposal through without drawing much attention
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
$90m in tax savings!!! Looks like the tax benefits of Ohtani's contract outweigh the potential inflation losses from delaying the income over decades
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Nashville trying to make sense of this storm right now👇
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
The airport is on the east side, so its a 10 minute drive with no traffic for me. Lots of people moving here in tech but they are more isolated bc they migrated vs. built companies in Nashville. That will come, but still working on it.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
East Nashville is great. It has the same "cool" reputation in town that Brooklyn has (and the hipsters to show for it). Most underrated thing about Nashville is the airport + ease to fly around the country. Its less than a 2.5 hr flight from NYC, Miami, Austin, Chicago & Denver
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
All this talk of anti-trust and what to do, and decentralization is just sitting there as a meme, ready to be put in the game.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
If only we could get all the major builders in the same group chat...
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
The secret ballot only became commonplace in America in the early 20th century. Might we extend the same thing to public officials?
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
This is a fun take. One thing to add: Using zero-knowlege proofs would be ensure anonymity but also prove to everyone that it was genuine senators and congress people who voted for a bill.
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Chris Powers pfp
Chris Powers
Needs to be able to be controlled & owned by the DAO onchain
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