phil pfp
I've been thinking a lot about Farcaster's growth. Disclaimer: I'm still working through it, and my thoughts will change, but here is my attempt to frame our current situation and some potential paths forward. Allow me to introduce The Network Axis.
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phil pfp
Any digital network can be evaluated along these two axes. Blogs like Marginal Revolution or SSC are not social networks per se, but they compete with social networks for user's time and attention. In fact, Twitter was characterized for most of its life as a "microblogging service", not a social network.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
My favorite part about this mental model is that it's an implicit criticism of generic cross posting which I think more people should be thinking about Great thread! 🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@moar Make good content
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Colin pfp
Great framing
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