Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp

Nicky (Follow Back )


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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Take a picture 🀣
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
2 $degen
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Love Don't Let Your Love Disappear Faster Than an Ice Cream in a Hot Day. Hey, let's be real. In daily life, it's so easy to forget what made you fall head over heels for your partner in the first place. But here's the deal- really noticing their great qulities is the sercet to keeping the love alive. If you let yourself focus on what annoys you, well , you'll see your affection disappear faster than an ice cream on a hot day. So, here's your takeaway: activelys appreciating what makes your lover awesome is like a golden ticket to a happier relationship. It's like falling in love over and over again. Do it regularly and you're not just maintaining love, you're increasing that love.😘
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Goals& Dreams The Definition of Insanity Albert Einstein once said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. " When you've been doing something for quite a while, such as trying to figure out a math problem, but you're not making any progress, you may have fallen into this trap. The most important thing you can do is to stop what you've been doing and try a different method. Even if the new method doesn't work, it will at least give you a new angle on the problem and may give you a new idea you can use to solve it. Keep changing your approach and eventually, you 'll find a method that works. So, remember: if one approach isn't working, take another approach.
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Learning Practice Doesn't Necessarily Make Perfect! Does "practice make perfect" ? Not quite. Practice makes permanent,but only perfect parctice makes perfect. Keep that in mind when you're honing your skill. Don't fall into the trap of mindless repetition, as that might just reinforce bad habits. Make sure you always fully engaged and mindful in your pratice, aiming for improvement each time. And hey,this rule applies to copying texts from this book as well ! Focus on your actions and work toward excellence. That way , you'll not only improve but also bulid a strong foundation for future success. Always remember, the quality of your parctice is just as important, if not more, than the quantity.
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Conquering Adversity Laugh Away Life's Burdens. You ever notice how sometimes life seems too heavy?Next time you're in a funk,try this-just laugh. Go watch something funny,such as a movie or sitcom,or hang out with that friend who cracks you up. You know why? Laughter's like this magical stress buster.When you laugh,your brain releases these feel-good chemicals,and suddenly the weight on your shoulders feels lighter.I'm not saying laughter's going to slove all problems, but it's gonna make them a whole lot easier to tackle. So,go ahead,give yourself a break and let loose a few laughs. You 'll feel more relaxed,and who knows,the answer you've been looking for might just pop into your head.πŸ˜€
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Gratitude The Secret to Feeling Rich Gratitude is like a magical lens that changes how you see things. When you start appreciating what you have,instead of lamenting what you don't have,something shifts. It's like suddenly,what you have multiplies in value. It's not about having a lot-it's about appreciating what you have.That's the secret to feeling truely rich. So,even on tough days,finding something, no matter how small,to be thankful for,can change the way you view life. It's about realizing that even the simplest things can bring joy,and in recognizing that,you find contentment. It's really an awesome way to live.πŸ˜€
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Check your $DEGEN Stats. Frame by @nikolaiii. If you like this frame, send him a tip. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜…
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Nikolai 🎩 pfp
Nikolai 🎩
If you don't have allowance, please check this frame:
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Can't wait to see what new tip ^^
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
I want thisπŸ˜… BMWxBENZπŸš—
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Who we spend our time with across our lifetime
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
Kids gonna learn many new words shortly.🀣
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
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Dragonite.eth 🎩πŸ₯‡βœοΈπŸ§Ύ pfp
Dragonite.eth 🎩πŸ₯‡βœοΈπŸ§Ύ
Wowow mass adoption soon πŸ“ˆ
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
I get 2354 zkπŸ˜…
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
not bad
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Nicky (Follow Back ) pfp
Nicky (Follow Back )
invest around 1~2000 usd ,start 2023/3 .only get 2354 zk
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