butterfly  pfp



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butterfly  pfp
this way you have 2 markets for rollups and a larger one for evm txs.
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butterfly  pfp
this is what i meant in original question if 3 markets are possible but maybe its just a stupid question.
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butterfly  pfp
very insightful thank you! also i was wondering if it would be worthwhile to have 3 markets. i think you eluded to more markets being possible. with the block sdk ref. maybe unrelated to cr exactly.
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butterfly  pfp
could you have a seperate market for rollup calldata blobs and regular calldata. would there be any robustness gained in terms of censorship resistance. maybe this purely mechanism design question. beyond my understanding.
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butterfly  pfp
by elasticity in this context you mean users sensitivity to fees. maybe are you thinking in terms of pricing units of blockspace.
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butterfly  pfp
i think it could make sense for 4488 in this case. something to be on the table for prague/electra hf. along the lines of thinking pointed out here. https://polynya.mirror.xyz/eq4PNsg-ld4V2LDB7HlHuNm-ULFAtvmVH--utaxAAEs
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butterfly  pfp
when think about protocol upgrades from an economics pov. what are some of the questions to ask. like heuristics at least to ethereum? i want to learn.
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Anders Elowsson  pfp
Anders Elowsson
1. Minimum viable issuance is an important principle in staking economics. This thread will further advance the concept by analyzing how issuance level affects Ethereum’s equilibrium staking conditions, guiding us to a utility-maximizing reward curve. https://notes.ethereum.org/@anderselowsson/MinimumViableIssuance
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timbeiko.eth pfp
the blobs are coming .oO goerli is forking next week, and Dencun will be its last network upgrade all the information you need about the upgrade is here: https://blog.ethereum.org/2024/01/10/goerli-dencun-announcement
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butterfly  pfp
great point wrt multiple data points and iteration. gave me more to think about now.
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butterfly  pfp
interesting. good points on the first comment, thanks. on point 2, will bigger blocks impact client diversity at all? i guess that would be the concern iiuc. there was a graph in the ama posted showing besu and nethermind may struggle with bigger blocks.
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butterfly  pfp
i really like @barnabe comment. “always punting to the ef the signaling responsibility decreases the resilience of our ecosystem as a whole imo, there are now many other great voices that one can tune into such as @ethstaker to stay informed.” for context see here: http://tinyurl.com/4zkt2s46
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butterfly  pfp
i think in the long run evm blocks are filled only with proofs. its possible blocksize decreases more. i have no insights or technical knowledge just guessing. okay time to log off.
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butterfly  pfp
to me increasing the gas limit signals to some people. should just keep using L1. i think there are benefits to being able to pack more call data or proofs into a block. but i’m not sure the former is being considered anymore. its not necessary when we have big blobs after prague/electra iiuc.
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butterfly  pfp
one question i thought of is. why is the gas limit important to increase now if most economic activity is moving to rollups anyways? if increase the block gas limit you are increasing the load on the network which is not scalability by definition. scalability = TPS / cost to validate all transactions.
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butterfly  pfp
i also really liked the explanation of economic security and security budget. very helpful to clear up some naive misconceptions i had. thanks to the ef for this awesome ama.
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butterfly  pfp
see the shared sequencing desiderata below. 1. credible neutrality. 2. security 3. preconfirmations 4. L1 compatible.
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butterfly  pfp
they argue that we need shared sequencing and real-time proving to get us universal synchronous composability. unified L2 liquidity that can compose with itself and L1 within block times iiuc.
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butterfly  pfp
the native and “custom” rollup naming is good, very memeable. bonthesponge1 lays out why based sequencing is the best approach for shared sequencing. couldn’t agree more.
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butterfly  pfp
r/ethereum ama is a crazy good nerdsnipe. based sequencing, native rollups, staking caps, …. http://tinyurl.com/wrv92zd3
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